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Video: Leaders In Practice: Pursuing your Purpose
Video: Leaders In Practice: Pursuing your Purpose
The word ‘purpose’ gets thrown around a lot. A bit like any super-food phenomenon, we know defining our purpose is supposed to be ‘good for us.’ Yet, it is not uncommon for some business owners to be still unclear on what it is and how to connect what it resembles- to what they’re doing each day (i.e., pursuing their purpose).
Is this the case for you, too?
Identifying purpose is about trying to capture the meaning in our work and what we do; translating our beliefs, strengths, passions, and our own style of doing things - into catalyst of energy to positively impact and serve our clients as best as we can.
Your role as a leader is to capture this energy; this underlying emotion; and then translate it into strategic direction and a daily mission. Sharing it with the people around you (i.e., your team, strategic partners, potential recruits) to motivate them and buy into what you care about achieving.
If you can harness the power of your purpose and marry how it motivates you, with motivating others, then real magic can happen. Where everyone is passionately working towards making an impact; not just another pay cheque.
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